Sepeda untuk Kerja: Solusi Cerdas untuk Mobilitas Harian

Sepeda untuk Kerja: Solusi Cerdas untuk Mobilitas Harian

02 October 2024

Sekarang ini, semakin banyak orang yang mulai beralih ke moda transportasi sepeda untuk kerja. Selain ramah lingkungan, bersepeda juga memiliki banyak manfaat kesehatan dan bisa menghemat biaya. 

Jika kamu belum pernah mencoba bersepeda ke tempat kerja, mungkin artikel ini bisa membantu kamu memahami mengapa sepeda bisa jadi pilihan yang tepat untuk aktivitas harianmu.

Mengapa Memilih Sepeda untuk Kerja?

Alasan memilih dan menggunakan sepeda untuk kerja sangat bervariasi, tergantung pada referensi masing-masing. Secara umum, beberapa alasan tersebut adalah:

Ramah Lingkungan

Dengan bersepeda, kamu ikut berkontribusi mengurangi polusi udara dan emisi karbon. Setiap perjalanan yang kamu lakukan tanpa menggunakan kendaraan bermotor dapat membantu menjaga bumi kita tetap bersih.

Hemat Biaya

Menggunakan sepeda untuk kerja bisa menghemat banyak uang. Kamu nggak perlu mengeluarkan uang untuk bahan bakar, dan biaya perawatan sepeda jauh lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan motor atau mobil.

Kesehatan yang Lebih Baik

Bersepeda adalah aktivitas fisik yang bagus. Selain bisa membakar kalori, bersepeda juga membantu meningkatkan kebugaran jantung dan paru-paru. Jika kamu rutin bersepeda, pasti akan merasa lebih sehat dan bugar.

Menghindari Kemacetan

Salah satu keuntungan bersepeda di kota besar adalah kamu bisa menghindari kemacetan. Kamu bisa mengambil rute yang lebih cepat dan langsung menuju tempat kerja tanpa harus terjebak dalam antrian kendaraan.

Meningkatkan Mood

Bersepeda di pagi hari bisa meningkatkan mood dan memberikan energi positif untuk memulai hari. Seiring berjalannya waktu, kamu akan merasa lebih bahagia dan lebih produktif di tempat kerja.

Tips Memilih Sepeda untuk Kerja yang Tepat

Jika kamu sudah mantap beralih menggunakan sepeda untuk kerja, langkah selanjutnya adalah mengetahui bagaimana memilih sepeda yang tepat. Ada berbagai jenis sepeda yang bisa kamu pertimbangkan:

Sepeda Kota (City Bike)

Sepeda ini dirancang khusus untuk penggunaan di perkotaan. Dengan posisi berkendara yang nyaman dan biasanya dilengkapi dengan aksesori seperti lampu dan pelindung, sepeda kota sangat cocok untuk perjalanan sehari-hari, termasuk pergi dan pulang kerja.

Beberapa seri city bike yang bisa menjadi rekomendasi buat kamu adalah:

  • United Bike Soloist Reborn

  • United Bike Slick 700C

  • United Bike Boston 1.0

Sepeda Lipat (Folding Bike)

Jika kamu memiliki ruang terbatas untuk menyimpan sepeda di rumah atau kantor, sepeda lipat bisa jadi pilihan yang praktis. Sepeda ini mudah dilipat dan dibawa ke dalam ruangan, jadi kamu tidak perlu khawatir tentang pencurian.

Sepeda lipat yang tepat untuk penggunaan sehari-hari antara lain:

  • United Bike Trifold 7S

  • United Bike Stylo Sport (Disc) 20”

  • United Bike Phantom 3.0

Sepeda Gunung (Mountain Bike)

Apabila rute perjalananmu mencakup jalan berbatu atau jalur off road, sepeda gunung atau mountain bike bisa jadi pilihan yang tepat. Meskipun lebih berat dan sedikit lebih sulit dikendarai di jalan raya, sepeda gunung sangat tangguh untuk berbagai medan.

Mountain bike yang bisa kamu pilih sebagai sepeda untuk kerja adalah:

  • United Bike Epsilon T6

  • United Bike Kyross 2.1

  • United Bike Clovis 7.10

Sepeda Listrik

Jika kamu ingin lebih sedikit berusaha saat bersepeda, sepeda listrik bisa jadi solusi yang baik. Dengan bantuan motor listrik, kamu bisa bersepeda lebih jauh dan dengan lebih sedikit tenaga, terutama jika kamu harus melewati jalanan menanjak.

Pilihan sepeda listrik yang tepat untuk kamu adalah:

  • United Bike Nebular

  • United Bike Manrola

  • United Bike E-Clovis

Persiapan Sebelum Berangkat Kerja Menggunakan Sepeda

Sebelum kamu mulai bersepeda ke kantor, ada beberapa persiapan yang perlu kamu lakukan, di antaranya:

Rencanakan Rute

Luangkan waktu untuk merencanakan rute terbaik menuju tempat kerja. Cari tahu jalan mana yang lebih aman dan nyaman untuk bersepeda. Jika memungkinkan, pilih jalur sepeda atau jalan yang lebih sepi.

Periksa Sepeda

Pastikan sepeda kamu dalam kondisi baik sebelum berangkat. Periksa rem, ban, dan rantai untuk memastikan semuanya berfungsi dengan baik. Jika perlu, bawa sepeda ke bengkel untuk perawatan rutin.

Siapkan Perlengkapan

Jangan lupa untuk membawa perlengkapan yang diperlukan, seperti helm, lampu depan dan belakang, serta kunci sepeda untuk menjaga keamanan. Jika cuaca mendukung, kamu juga bisa membawa jas hujan atau pelindung untuk melindungi diri dari hujan.

Periksa Cuaca

Pastikan kamu selalu cek ramalan cuaca sebelum berangkat. Jika diperkirakan hujan, pertimbangkan untuk membawa jas hujan atau memilih hari lain untuk bersepeda.

Pilih Pakaian yang Tepat

Kenakan pakaian yang sesuai dengan cuaca. Saat hujan, pastikan pakaianmu tidak hanya tahan air, tapi juga nyaman. Jika udara dingin, jangan lupa memakai jaket yang hangat.

Tetapkan Tujuan

Buatlah tujuan bersepeda yang realistis. Misalnya, kamu bisa berusaha untuk bersepeda ke kantor setidaknya tiga kali seminggu. Ketika kamu berhasil mencapai tujuan tersebut, kamu pasti merasa lebih termotivasi.

Cari Teman

Ajak teman atau rekan kerja untuk bersepeda bersama. Bersepeda dengan teman bisa membuat perjalanan lebih menyenangkan dan memberikan dukungan ekstra. Selain manfaat fisik, bersepeda juga memberikan dampak positif bagi kesehatan mental. 

Saat kamu bersepeda, tubuh akan memproduksi endorfin yang membuat kamu merasa lebih bahagia. Aktivitas fisik ini juga bisa mengurangi stres dan kecemasan. Apalagi bila dilakukan bersama dengan teman-teman yang memiliki tujuan yang sama.


Memilih dan menggunakan sepeda untuk kerja bukan hanya pilihan cerdas untuk mobilitas harianmu, tetapi juga memberikan banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan dan lingkungan. Dengan memilih sepeda yang tepat, mempersiapkan diri dengan baik, dan berkomitmen untuk menjadikan bersepeda sebagai kebiasaan, kamu bisa merasakan semua keuntungan ini.

Jadi, kenapa tidak coba bersepeda ke kantor mulai hari ini? Siapkan sepeda kamu, rencanakan rute, dan nikmati perjalanan yang sehat dan menyenangkan! Dengan sedikit usaha, kamu bisa mengubah cara pandangmu terhadap transportasi harian dan merasakan manfaat luar biasa dari bersepeda. 

United adalah produsen sepeda asli dari Indonesia yang sudah beroperasi sejak tahun 1991. United Bike telah berperan sebagai produsen yang menghadirkan berbagai jenis sepeda, termasuk sepeda gunung, Road Bike, BMX, sepeda lipat, serta sepeda touring dan sepeda anak. 

Berdasarkan prinsipnya, United Bike akan selalu berkomitmen untuk menghadirkan produk inovatif dan ramah lingkungan yang terbaik. Kalau kamu tertarik dengan rekomendasi sepeda dari United, bisa langsung cek pilihan produknya di halaman ini!

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Mountain Bike For Sale For You: Everything You Need To Know

25 December 2024

Are you looking for a mountain bike for sale? You should know a few things before buying one. This is the type of bike that you can rely on for extreme outdoor terrain. Let's learn more about mountain bikes.How Are Mountain Bikes Different From Other Bikes?One type of bike that cyclists often choose is a mountain bike. You might want to know how different a street or regular bike is from a mountain bike. One of the obvious differences between these two types of bikes is the frame dimensions.The specifications of a bicycle frame can affect the riding experience. A bicycle should have a frame that is ideal for the human body so that the rider's body position can be comfortable when riding. Mountain bikes are reliable for extreme terrain because the tires are more jagged than regular bikes.While regular bikes do not have high traction for muddy, rocky, or uneven terrain. Not only are they more jagged, but mountain bike tires are also thicker so they last longer. MTB suspension is also different from street bikes, you can choose a bike with full suspension (front and rear).Full-suspension mountain bikes can absorb shocks optimally for better riding comfort. But there are also mountain bikes made with suspension on one part only. Another difference is that the frame is stronger to withstand heavy pressure.Although mountain bikes are tough bikes, you still need to be selective in choosing a mountain bike for sale. Not all mountain bikes can be relied on and suit your cycling style.What Makes a Mountain Bike The Best?You need to choose the best mountain bike for your riding comfort. Not all bikes are reliable because each product can differ in material, features, frame, and other specifications. I've looked for mountain bikes for sale several times, and some things you should consider in the store.Don't just choose a bike based on the model or color you like. You have to look deeper into the suspension, tires, braking, and other details. To help you choose the best mountain bike, check out these points:1. Enhance driving comfortChoose a mountain bike with an ergonomic design, this is very important for you to ride more comfortably. The ergonomic design means that it adapts to your body anatomy, so you can get extra comfort. Even if you ride for a long time, you won't get tired easily. The design of the mountain bike will also affect the possible risks of riding.2. Use of quality materialsBefore you buy a bike, check the quality of the material. Consider a mountain bike with carbon or aluminum materials. Both are quality materials commonly used in frames or other bicycle components.3. Embedded innovationMountain bikes can always be made more comfortable and high-performance. You can choose a brand or store that is always updated with the latest innovations. Mountain bike innovations can be seen in gearing systems, hydraulic brakes, suspension adjustments, and other innovations.4. High performance in extreme terrainIf you can try riding the bike, try it on rocky or uneven terrain. You should also make sure the bike can comfortably ride uphill. More than that, a reliable mountain bike for sale has a good reputation or is recognized by athletes.Where To Buy a Mountain Bike?Choose a store that can fulfill your cycling needs. The store you choose should be credible, and provide a variety of bike models such as United Bike. You can get various types of mountain bikes including trail, XC, junior, and many other types.The best bike shops are those that use quality materials and the latest innovations. United can be one of the recommended stores for those of you who are looking for mountain bikes for sale. You just need to choose a bike that can match your riding style.FAQsHow much does an average mountain bike cost?If you want a good quality mountain bike, you need to spend around $500-$1500. The price of the bike may vary from brand to brand, and the materials and features available may also vary.What are the reliable mountain bike brands?One of the best mountain bike brands is United Bike. United innovates with various technologies, uses high-quality materials, and provides a variety of models.Do mountain bikes have to be heavy?Depending on your riding style, a heavy mountain bike can go fast. But for initial acceleration or when you slow down, it will be harder to go.Is mountain bike riding an expensive hobby?Unlike riding a regular bike or jogging with running shoes, mountain bike riding can be more expensive. In addition to looking for a mountain bike for sale, you also need to buy clothing, spare parts, and cycling equipment.

Mountain Bikes For Sale: How To Choose The Right One For You

25 December 2024

Riding a mountain bike is a lot of fun and you can explore various terrains including hilly areas. Choosing one from mountain bikes for sale should suit your riding style, and make sure only to choose a high-quality one. How good the mountain bike you choose will have an impact on your comfort and safety.Overview of Mountain Bike (MTB)Unlike street bikes or regular bikes, mountain bikes are more sturdy. This is the bike you can rely on for extreme terrain. The tires on mountain bikes are thicker with larger serrations. So, you can stay comfortable riding your bike through sandy, rocky terrains.The grip of mountain bike tires is stronger, which can prevent riders from slipping and falling. For extra comfort, mountain bikes come with powerful suspensions, front and rear. Although some are built with full suspension, some only use front suspension or hardtail.A powerful suspension can ensure that the rider does not shake much even through extreme terrain. As we know, hilly terrain is uneven and steep. That's not a problem because mountain bikes also have a stronger brake system. We can also freely choose the type of bike according to our riding style.Each mountain bike can have various innovations. Some are made with cutting-edge technology, attractive models, extra features, and other variations.How To Choose Mountain Bike Wisely?Are you looking for mountain bikes for sale? You should know what criteria to consider. As a downhiller, bike selection can have an impact on your riding performance and comfort. Some aspects need to be key considerations including:1. Choose A Bike With The Right SuspensionSuspension is one of the crucial components of any mountain bike. You can choose between hardtail or full suspension. If you want a tougher performance for any terrain, you can rely on full suspension on your mountain bike. But if you want to ride efficiently especially if you often go through lighter terrain, choose hardtail suspension.Choose a suspension with high flexibility, and make sure it can be adjusted easily including rebound, and air pressure. Suspensions can be made with various materials, some more expensive and others more affordable. If you want the best quality suspension, choose one made with titanium (strong and lightweight).But if you want to go cheaper, choose carbon and aluminum materials. The durability of aluminum is quite good and the price is affordable. Carbon material is better than aluminum because it is lighter, but the price can be more expensive.2. Check All Bike ComponentsMountain bikes have a variety of components including gears, saddles, forks, brakes, tires, and many more. The more components you check, the better. But at least check the three main components, brakes, gears, and transmission. Make sure the components used are of high quality and from reliable brands.3. Adjust To Rider's BodyFind out which bike size is most comfortable for you. Mountain bikes for sale usually come in various sizes. Choose the appropriate size so that you can control the bike well. To be more certain, you can ask the shop staff, they will use geometry tables, and measuring tools.More than that, choose the right type of mountain bike. You can choose from downhill, cross-country, trail, fat bike, or enduro. Each type has its advantages and you have to adjust it to your riding activities.FAQWhat are the most popular mountain bikes?Trail bikes are versatile mountain bikes, this is the ideal type of bike for most cyclists. Another popular bike is the cross country or XC, this mountain bike is reliable for high speeds.What mountain bike can be used daily?You can rely on mountain bikes for daily cycling but the advantage of this bike is its performance on difficult terrain. You can stay comfortable cycling even through rough or rocky roads.Does mountain biking require intense maintenance?Yes, mountain bikes need extra care as they often get muddy. Clean the bike regularly, lubricate the drivetrain, and avoid storing your mountain bike in damp areas.How many mountain bikes should you have?There are many variations of mountain bikes for sale, if only used for daily cycling, one is enough. But if you want to pursue this hobby seriously, three MTBs with varying specifications can be considered.

Premium Indonesian Bicycle Recommendation

25 December 2024

Talking about premium Indonesian bicycle, then premium Road bikes are one of the main choices, where this is a type of bicycle made using materials and adopting modern technology that can provide high performance on the road. This is a type of bicycle that is widely used by professional cyclists because it has efficiency, speed, and of course comfort for long distance use.Some people think that having a premium Road Bike is a pride to add to their collection or indeed to get comfort and confidence while cycling on the road. Many people will not even think much about the price as long as they can get the quality and satisfaction they are looking for. After all, the best quality will give you a high price, but trust me, it will pay off.Road Bike RecommendationsIt is not easy to find a premium quality road bike that meets your needs and high standards. Therefore, for those of you who want to find recommendations for road bikes or premium Indonesian bicycle that are suitable for answering the needs of cyclists.1. UNITED Sterling R1 DiscThe Sterling R1 Disc has a frame with HMC-7 carbon material that is corrosion-resistant and lightweight. It is using Shimano 105 2x11 speed which is combined to build optimal performance. This speed setting is one of the most important features because it will affect comfort while riding, and this is the type that is really needed by road cyclists.Complete with a Hydraulic Disc Brake system to increase safety when using different road conditions. This advantage makes the Sterling R1 Disc very suitable for riding on asphalt terrain. The selling price of this bike: USD 1613.262. UNITED Sterling R2 DiscIn addition to the Sterling R1 Disc, then comes the Sterling R2 Disc with a price tag of USD 2047.97. UNITED Sterling R2 Disc is known as a versatile bike with the advantages of stable speed and optimal control.The system used for braking is the Shimano Ultegra R8020 Hydraulic Disc Brake, using 140mm discs at the rear and front. Shifter with the Shimano Ultegra ST-R8000 type, dual control brake lever (R/L) also 2x11 speed.Front Derailleur Shimano Ultegra R8000 (2x11 speed), even more complete with the Shimano Ultegra R8000 Cassette which uses a ratio of 11-28T, then there is the Shimano Ultegra R8000 Rear Derailleur (2x11 speed). The combination of the Sterling R2 Disc makes it an ideal choice for the type of rider who really likes performance and durability that can be relied on in any road conditions. Paved road conditions will require special and different resistance from off-road bike types, therefore this combination is a valuable item for road cyclists.3. UNITED Sterling Pro DiscThe next premium Indonesian bicycle recommendation is perfect for those of you who want to have a road bike equipped with high-level aerodynamic geometry, safety, and optimal comfort that is very good and comfortable to use at high speed and the Sterling Pro Disc is the main choice.It has a design with a very light carbon frame, even more complete with a high-quality group set, and the best braking system, namely Hydraulic Disc Brake. This is the most important component that greatly influences the level of safety on the road.This is one of the most popular types of versatile bicycles in its class and will provide a cycling experience that cannot be found anywhere else. You can get it for USD 4618.10, and the United Sterling Pro Disc is ideal for anyone who dreams of a high-performance and quality road bike.That's a review of the recommendations for premium quality road bikes from Indonesia. Don't hesitate to choose a bicycle with the UNITED brand that has proven its quality and has been proven by loyal customers around the world.FAQsWhat type of bicycle is currently in great demand?Road bikes are currently in high demand.What is the price range for premium quality road bikes?The price can reach USD 1600 to USD 4600 depending on the specs.What is the best-selling premium Indonesian bicycle brand?The best-selling bicycle brand is UNITED.What is the most expensive type of road bike?It is UNITED Sterling Pro Disc with a price of USD 4618.10.